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HSA Stay & Play

HSA Stay & Play runs from our Woodham Rise site every Monday between 9.30am-10.30am during term time.

To ensure that your child has the best experience, our sessions have limited space.

Please use this form to book your sessions.

We will be in touch to confirm if your child has a place.

Child's gender*
Does your child have any allergies or dietary requirements?*

Stay & Play sessions

Please indicate below which session(s) you and your child wish to attend:

Monday sessions are for children aged 1-2 years
Tuesday sessions are for children ages 2-3 years

Select one of the following*
In the event the session you've requested is fully booked, would you like to join the waiting list?*
Do you give permission for your child’s photograph to be taken and used in future school newsletters or promotional material?*
How did you hear about HSA Stay & Play*