Scholarships & Bursaries
Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships are awarded at Halstead St Andrew’s to recognise previous achievement, acknowledge existing excellence and to show the importance that the school places upon various areas of the academic and wider curriculum.
A limited number of Scholarships are awarded at Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 in the following areas:
- Academic
- Art
- Drama
- Music
- Sport
All scholarships awarded carry with them a remission of the termly school fees. The extent of this remission will be determined as part of the scholarship assessment process. Scholarships should not be confused with Bursaries, which are available for new or existing pupils where there is a proven financial need. Any award made will be honoured from the time it takes effect until the pupil leaves the school subject to the pupil’s conduct, application and performance being satisfactory. In addition, both the pupil and his or her parents must give their full support to the school’s policies and procedures.
The awarding of scholarships will be based on a robust assessment process which the following staff will lead:
- Academic – Deputy Head Academic
- Art – Head of Art
- Drama – Head of Drama
- Music - Director of Music
- Sport – Assistant Director of Sport
Application Process
In order to apply for a Scholarship, parents should complete the appropriate Scholarship application form (see below) and provide any necessary supporting evidence, as detailed in the relevant application form.
Year 5 Scholarships:
Pupils currently in Year 4 will have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship in the summer term of this academic year. These scholarships will take effect from September 2025. Further details on the application deadline and Assessment Day will be provided nearer the time.
Year 7 Scholarships:
Pupils currently in Year 6 will have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship in the spring term of this academic year. These scholarships will take effect from September 2025. The application deadline is Friday 14th February 2025 and the assessment day is Tuesday 25th February 2025. These scholarships will be awarded before the Senior School offer acceptance date of Monday 3rd March 2025.
Year 9 Scholarships:
Pupils currently in Year 7 will have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship in the autumn term of next academic year (2025/26). These scholarships will take effect from September 2026. Further details on the application deadline and Assessment Day will be provided nearer the time.
Academic Scholarships
Academic Scholarships are awarded based on latest academic school reports, CAT4 scores and performance in our scholarship assessments. Pupils are expected to have the potential to attain Grade 9s at GCSE. Pupils will also be required to have an interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Art Scholarships
Art Scholarships are awarded to those pupils who are likely to make an outstanding contribution to the school in Art and are awarded on the strength of a candidate's potential. This is judged by the variety and quality of their sketchbook, which they should bring to the assessment to form the basis of an interview. Sketchbooks can be A4 or A3 in size, can contain as many pieces as the candidate wishes, and should exhibit the candidate's commitment to artistic excellence. Candidates are also welcome to provide three additional pieces of Art, which could include a range of media and methods. At the Scholarship Assessment Day, candidates will be required to complete a timed observational drawing assessment in pencil, lasting roughly an hour, and will be interviewed by the Head of Art. During this interview, the candidates should be able to discuss and demonstrate their personal interest, achievements and passion for Art. This will also provide a good opportunity for the candidates to discuss these sketchbooks, and any additional pieces of Art submitted.
Drama Scholarships
Drama Scholarships are awarded to those pupils who are likely to make an outstanding contribution to the school in Drama and are awarded on the strength of a candidate's potential as seen at the assessment. Pupils should be able, through performance, to demonstrate the ability to create and convey character, mood, atmosphere, emotion and narrative. At the Scholarship Assessment Day, candidates will participate in practical, informal group workshops (including improvisation) and will be invited to perform their choice of one prepared solo piece. Pieces could include an extract from a published play, a publication of standalone monologues or musical or a verse by a published author. This can be edited as appropriate and should be a maximum of two minutes in length. A legible copy of the text should be brought to the audition.
Pupils will also be interviewed by the Head of Drama, during which they should be able to discuss and demonstrate their personal interest, achievements and passion for Drama. If applicable, this should be supported by a portfolio of evidence, referencing graded examinations (LAMDA or similar), and productions in which they have performed or which they have attended.
Music Scholarships
Music Scholarships are awarded to those pupils who are likely to make an outstanding contribution to the school in Music and are awarded on the strength of a candidate's potential as seen at the assessment. Music scholars are expected to learn two instruments. As a guide, the standard generally expected of candidates is Grade III if applying for a scholarship in year 5, Grade IV if applying for a scholarship in year 7 and Grade V if applying for a scholarship in Year 9.
For the assessment, pupils will be required to play two consecutive pieces on their principal instrument and one piece on their second instrument and to read at sight. They may also sing a solo in place of an instrument if this is preferred. A piano accompanist will be provided by the school. Pupils will also be interviewed by the Director of Music, during which they should be able to discuss and demonstrate their personal interest and achievements in Music, supported by reference to musical events in which they have performed or which they have attended.
Sport Scholarships
Full Sport Scholarships are awarded to those pupils who are likely to make an outstanding contribution to the school in Sport and are awarded on the strength of a candidate's potential as seen at the assessment. Applications are welcome from pupils who demonstrate a high level of performance in two of the school's main sports, which are Cricket, Football, Hockey, or Netball. High level performance in other sports will be considered but this does not change the above criteria.
A pupil who is awarded a Full Sports Scholarship will be expected to give a high level of dedication and commitment to school sport across all three terms and must therefore display an outstanding attitude towards all sports played at the school. Their conduct in sport, competition and in training must be of the highest order, and they must lead by example by being ambassadors for the school.
In addition, a limited number of Exhibition Sports Scholarships may be awarded to pupils who have shown exceptional promise in sport, though not selected for a Full Sports Scholarship. This may be issued to a pupil who demonstrates a high level of performance in Cricket, Football, Hockey, or Netball and in another sport not considered to be one of the school's main sports. Exhibition Sports Scholars will gain access to most activities within the Sports Scholars Programme, allowing them to benefit from specialised training sessions and development opportunities. This ensures that pupils with strong potential are supported and encouraged to further their skills alongside our Full Sports Scholars. Exhibition Sports Scholars are expected to uphold the high standards expected of Full Sports Scholars.
Application Process
In order to apply for a Scholarship, parents should complete the appropriate Scholarship application form (see below) and provide any necessary supporting evidence, as detailed in the relevant application form. Scholarship Assessment Days will take place on the following dates for pupils looking to join Halstead St Andrew’s in September 2025 as a Year 7:
- Friday 6th December 2024 (Academic and Sport)
- Wednesday 11th December 2024 (Art, Drama, Music)
- Tuesday 25th February 2025
These scholarships will be awarded before the Senior School offer acceptance date in March 2025.
For pupils who will be in Year 5 in September 2025, Scholarship Assessment Days will take place in the Summer term of Year 4. These scholarships will be awarded before the end of the Summer term.
Application forms
Please find the applications for the scholarships here:
Sports Scholarship Application Form
Academic, Art, Drama and Music Application Form
Benefits of Scholarship
In addition to a remission on termly school fees, all scholars will benefit from our comprehensive Scholars Programme. This programme is uniquely tailored to each scholarship area, offering bespoke pathways for Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport scholars, with the goal of enabling each pupil to flourish within their chosen field. Scholars are expected to fully engage with their respective programmes, which include specialised sessions designed to extend learning and skill development. These sessions are held during lunchtime or after school, ensuring scholars receive consistent and focused opportunities to advance their talents.
A bursary is a remission of fees, granted in response to parental need. Parents may apply for a means-tested bursary and, provided they qualify and funds are available, one may be awarded.
For further information or a copy of the Halstead St Andrew's Scholarship and Bursary Policy, please contact the Admissions team via